Prepare Your Child For School & Beyond
With The Immersive Creative Curriculum® & The World-Renowned Montessori Method

Prepare Your Child For School & Beyond
With The Immersive Creative Curriculum® & The World-Renowned Montessori Method
Innovative thinking
How The Montessori Method Inspires Innovative Thinking
Dr. Maria Montessori observed that children immersed in learning were at their happiest. Your child spends their days with specially designed materials, engrossed in self-correcting, progressive works that inspire their innovation, critical thinking, and thirst for knowledge.
Montessori Method
Harnessing Sensitive Periods For Optimal Development
Dr. Montessori observed that a child goes through various sensitive periods when acquiring specific skills comes effortlessly to them. Expert Montessori teachers expose your child to the right experiences at the right time so that there are no gaps in their learning.
montessori Materials
The Montessori Classroom & Materials Are Also Teachers
The Montessori classroom is set up to invite your child to choose the task that fuels their interest. Specially designed materials immerse your child in progressive “works.” As they experiment, manipulate, investigate and master each task, they develop their thinking skills and autonomy.
Creative Curriculum®
Learning By Doing With The Creative Curriculum®
Guided by a research-based program, your child learns through play, experimentation, and testing. Dynamic investigation and opportunities for open-ended exploration foster individual growth and a love of learning.
Age-Appropriate Learning
Age-Appropriate Learning To Suit Your Child’s Needs
Using a curriculum based on the developmental needs of the children in each room, teachers incorporate current trends in Early Childhood and School-Age Education to support your child in hitting milestones at their own pace.
Language, Math, & Science
Language, Math, & Science Prepare Learners For School
From songs and stories, counting and sorting, animal and plant characteristics,
to phonics and letter recognition, early addition and subtraction, and the natural elements, your child lays a solid foundation for kindergarten through fun, engaging activities.
Encourage Creativity
Music, Art, & Dance Encourage Creativity & Self-Expression
During circle time and enrichment activities, children learn to imitate and produce sounds, move to the beat, and talk about art. With growing appreciation and lots of freedom to explore, they build interest and passion for expression.
Social & Practical Skills
Social & Practical Skills Set Them Up For Success
Preschool learning incorporates crucial skills that will serve your child at school. They practice working in groups and following directions. Through task persistence and completion, they build a growth mindset, and with applicable life skills, they cultivate a sense of self.
Gross Motor Skills
Movement That Develops Coordination & Motor Skills
Your child builds physical confidence, gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and hand-foot coordination through daily outdoor play and creative movement. With physical attention and relaxation, they learn to be mindful of their bodies to self-regulate.